Our 4th graders created incredible dioramas showcasing the culture and lifestyle of Northeastern First Americans! From detailed longhouses to vibrant landscapes, the students really brought history to life through their creativity and hard work.
about 2 months ago, Cara Bailey
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
4th Grade Dioramas
Let's Build a Snowman! Kindergarten students had so much fun creating snowmen in P.E.
about 2 months ago, Whitebead School
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
kindergarten PE
PreK played with bubble wrap and had a "popping" good time in one of their brain breaks today.
about 2 months ago, Whitebead School
Mastering the Letters! These students did just that at our School Spelling Bee. Congratulations to all 28 students that spelled their way to the Spelling Bee. A special congratulations goes to our Whitebead School Champion, Faith Perez and to the runner up champions, Hank Hobson and Pierce House. Everyone did a wonderful job and we're proud of you!
about 2 months ago, Whitebead School
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee
Spelling Bee Champions
Communicating with Morse Code! 8th grade students learn about communicating with signals by encoding, transmitting, and decoding Morse code messages using flashlights.
about 2 months ago, Whitebead School
Morse Code
Morse Code
Morse Code
Morse Code
Morse Code
Morse Code
Reminder that we have an Indian Education meeting after school today at 4pm. Meeting will take place in the school cafeteria.
about 2 months ago, Jason Midkiff
We're walking in a winter wonderland! No School Friday, January 10th.
2 months ago, Jason Midkiff
Mass, Speed, and Kinetic Energy! 7th grade students have been learning how mass affects the kinetic energy of objects.
2 months ago, Whitebead School
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Kinetic Energy-7th grade
Out of an abundance of caution and with safety in mind Whitebead Schools will have a virtual learning day on Thursday January 9th. Please stay warm and safe.
2 months ago, Jason Midkiff
🔬Sixth Grade Scientists! 🔬 Our 6th grade science students are learning about thermal energy transfers. Their critical thinking skills were put to the test as they made insulating devices and tested them. They created some pretty interesting devices.
2 months ago, Whitebead School
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
6th grade science
It's cold outside, but not in First Grade! First Graders enjoyed hot chocolate as they practiced their math facts during "Marshmallow Math" today!
2 months ago, Mrs. Erica Shippey
There has been a Winter Weather Advisory issued for areas that include Whitebead Schools. Teachers should have prepared students in the event we have to have any virtual learning. A final determination will be made this evening about school tomorrow. We will communicate that decision when it's made.
2 months ago, Jason Midkiff
Healthy Diets = Strong Bones Did you know that eating a healthy diet is crucial for maintaining strong bones? Nutrients like calcium, vitamin D, and magnesium play vital roles in bone health, helping to prevent conditions such as osteoporosis and fractures. Incorporating a variety of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and whole grains into your meals can significantly contribute to your bone strength and overall well-being. Healthy Schools Oklahoma has a few lessons you can watch together to get the conversation started! Visit their YouTube page here: January Health Lessons
2 months ago, Whitebead School
Healthy Schools
7/8th grade basketball game times.
2 months ago, Ale Jimenez
Baskektball Info
We are excited to start the second semester today!! With the extreme cold please make sure you send the kiddos all bundled up with coats, hats, and gloves. Looking forward to all the smiling faces today!!
2 months ago, Jason Midkiff
🪤 Kindergarten students read the book, How to Catch an Elf. After reading the book they used their problem solving skills to try their hand at constructing a trap using marshmallows and spaghetti. Great job!
3 months ago, Whitebead School
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
catch an elf
The Whitebead staff would like to send a big Thank You to the PTO for all the support this week!! Especially thank you for providing our staff meal at our holiday get together! We appreciate how much this great organization does for our school!
3 months ago, Jason Midkiff
🚂 All Aboard, The Polar Express!! Today, Pre-K wore their p.j.s and watched the Polar Express. Popcorn, Christmas cookies, hot chocolate, and The Polar Express, were enjoyed by all. 🌲
3 months ago, Whitebead School
Polar Express Day
Our Music Department presented a wonderful music program that featured our First and Second Grade classes, Band students, and Chimaleers. The Art Department provided the decorations for the program by showcasing the art students' artwork. Thank you to our Music teacher, Mrs. Higgins and the Art teachers Mrs. Babcock, and Mrs. Capers.
3 months ago, Whitebead School
1st and 2nd Program
1st and 2nd Program
program Art
program art
program art
program art
All Aboard the Polar Express!! Whitebead first graders have boarded the Polar Express and are headed out on a grand adventure! Thank you to the Pauls Valley Foundation for Academic Excellence and Pauls Valley National Bank for funding the project through a grant written by Mrs. Shippey. The bell still rings for those who believe. 🔔🚂🎅🏼
3 months ago, Mrs. Erica Shippey
Polar Express