Title IX
There will be no discrimination at Whitebead School because of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, veteran status, sexual orientation, gender, or age in its programs, services, activities, or employment. There exists equal access to the Boy Scouts and other designated youth groups. The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies:
Inquiries concerning the Title IX non- discrimination policy may be referred to James Vines at jvines@whitebead.net
Please refer questions or complaints based on the Title IX Policy to Cara Bailey at cbailey@whitebead.net
Decisions regarding Title IX Policies and Procedures should be made by Jason Midkiff, Superintendent at
Whitebead Public School
16476 North County Road 3200, Pauls Valley, Ok 73075
Phone: 405- 238- 3021
Email Jason Midkiff